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39. Waste management

The comprehensive waste management in Colombia involves informal recyclers for good management and waste management.

‘’Plans for integrated waste management represent a step in planning integrated management of solid waste in the country, which seeks projects have defined their financial and institutional viability, and allows local authorities to include in their plans development, actions and budgets required to achieve the objectives of quality, continuity and sustainability of the provision of public toilet service. Thus, all citizens will benefit and advance in the social, environmental and economic development.’’ (, 2016)

These plans help our company to make good use of waste solids and leaving the extraction of fruit pulp. So we can use these waste and not dispose inappropriately. (2016). Portal Minvivienda Planes de Gestion Integral de Residuos Solidos PGIRS. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016].

Tiempo, C. (2016). Manejo de residuos sólidos, de la norma a la gestión | Finanzas | [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016].

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