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Technological forces

Technological forces are an important factor development companies. There are companies that remain without much technology but it is necessary to optimize costs, time, effort and processes. Technology is constantly advancing, and every day new things in order to improve the quality of life of people and do everything easier are created.

The technology can be deployed in manufacturing processes is broad and simple. For our products a packed preserving food in freezing temperatures and allow normal state is maintained and no damage is used. 'The coated cardboard packages consist of various materials waterproofing laminations or cardboard with water vapor resistant sealable materials and finished heat with low water vapor permeability films. The carton is usually made from bleached sulphate pulp, coated with a suitable reinforcement wax, or polyethylene or other plastics, or laminated with aluminum foil or other water resistant film vapor. In some cases, where additional protection is, and appeal for consumption guarantee the extra cost is recommended for special products cartons with foil. '' (, 2016). These materials are similar to those used for packaging fish.

‘’Flexible plastic containers offer an attractive presentation without impeding consumer protection product; plastic bags help prolong shelf life and, in the case of meat products, create a barrier which prevents oxidation.’’ (, 2016). Not only in meats, also in the basis of our products, fruits. Fruits tend to get damaged quickly if not treated on time and with the necessary care that they require, so it is important to use packaging that preserve these inputs and allow them to last longer in warm temperatures and environment.

Moreover, the Internet is a technological breakthrough that revolutionized the world. This medium is used to facilitate the flow of information and communication. He has also been very boom in trade in goods and services, and our company points it at that; use the internet as a direct sales channel with the consumer, giving the opportunity to the customer to have custom orders and direct communication with him.

It is also a very important tool for marketing. '' The Internet has greatly changed the world of marketing and business in general. For that reason, we must take into account the use of this medium when developing our marketing strategy. Currently, e-Marketing (Internet Marketing) is increasingly used by companies to spread and promote their products and services alternative. The real importance of Internet marketing is definitely shown with all its power and becomes almost infinite. '' (, 2016). Internet marketing has become a powerful tool for finding market opportunities on the web, also it helps us detailed information of trends. This also facilitates research we market at the time of data collection.

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Shipments are also an important part of the technological forces and transport of these products requires certain specifications. The form of transport should be refrigerated and temperature conditions according to the product being transported.

BIBLIOGRAPHY (2016). 2.1.2 Empaque para Productos de Pescado Congelado. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016]. (2016). Que es internet marketing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016]. (2016). La ciencia y el hombre. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016].

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