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32. Attitudes Toward Authority

Today many people are dissatisfied with many things that is happening. Many corruption and bad decisions generates a lot of social problems in any country around the world, including Colombia that is one of the most unequal countries of the world according to the World Bank (La Opinion, 2016). That’s the reason because people don’t have any respect to the authority. 

In Colombia a survey company called Gallup, create a survey about the favorability and unaffordability of many institutions, political leaders and social leaders, the next chart will show the people opinion between many public institutions and nations:

34. Value placed on Leisure Time

In this society is very important de Leisure Time because is a breath of the daily activities of each person. Many people practice a sport, play videogames, draw, play any musical instrument and more, for that reason is very important this “active pause”.

According Miller “The common definition of leisure as "time off work" or "time for play" points out an important aspect of leisure: time. It specifies the nature of the freedom or opportunity which is involved in leisure: leisure is time available for action. Unfortunately, to define leisure as time off work is like defining money as a commodity which can be exchanged for useless luxuries. Such a definition of money would blind us to the practical uses of money, and the common definition of leisure blinds us to the profoundly practical uses of leisure” (Miller, 1997).

In conclusion, the time is gold (Dinero, 2014) and for our industry this leisure time that the people use is a potential advantage and sell opportunity for the pulp industry.


Dinero. (5 de Mayo de 2014). Dinero. Obtenido de

Miller, M. (1997). MIB. Obtenido de

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