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One of the factors that affects the development of the industries of different sectors of the market is the Unemployment Trend. Because all of the world that is made by different workers is traduced in the products or services of a company, this factor have serious effects in the entire economy of the country. The interaction between companies and industries is made by the people working.


Those concepts mean that the reduction of production levels are equal to the reduction in the progress in that market. Affecting all of the stakeholders of one company, and creating a chain of deficiency in all of those companies. The pulp industry and the fruit proceeds it is not the exception to this factor; so we will analyze this issue in our context of daily action, first referring to Colombia, and then to Bogota´s context.




According to the DANE’S reports in Colombia, we can find that the people that is consider as a occupied population, refers to one hour of work, that is remunerated or not, in any job during one week reference, and the ones that do not work in week still are count as occupied if they have a job but do not assist to it (DINERO.COM).On the other hand the rate of unemployed people is consider as: “Es la relación porcentual entre el número de personas que están buscando trabajo (D), y el número de personas que integran la fuerza laboral (PEA)” (DANE.COM). So we will see the next graphs to analyze the situation of Colombia.

















In this graph, which is provided by the data of DANE, we see the Rate of Unemployment of Colombia since the year 2001 from January to December, until the present year in the month of June. Analyzing this graph we can get an overview of the decreasing rate in the last six years, which means that there has been a good impact in the economy of the country, traduced by the number of people that is working into the Colombian system. Reducing its levels from 15% to get to minimum levels with 7% in this rate. It is evident that there are some months in the year that have high percentages of people without a job and some others that are so low. To see this we will get a closer look to this phenomenon, for that we will see another graph with this indicators.



















We also have the same period of time analyze under the World Bank, we can see that both graphs are not so far from the point of our analysis, which is based in the reduction of unemployment; here we cannot appreciate the constant variations during the months but we will see it in the next graph.



To do this analysis we will consider only the years from 2010 to 2016 until the month of June.

We can see that there has been a tendency in all of the months and in all of the years. 2010 – 2015, all of them have the pattern of reducing its percentage. But this is not so applicable for almost all of the months of 2016, January, February, March and June have a little tendency to increase.

In the general view of the complete years, there is also another pattern, which is the high levels of unemployment in January, April to May, July and November and the decreasing periods of February to March, June, August to October and December.


So to this moment we can not only point out that there is a major offer of jobs, that can obey to the population of the country, and because of that the number of people that is able to work has also increase as is shown in the next graph.





This is actually a lineal graph that shows that the increasing population of Colombia results in the also in the increasing number of people that is available to work.

But there’s not only this important factor of the people, but also the offers that are created. Here is important to think that the graphs were made from the DANE’s data, and the informal job is consider in the same category of employ of people that work more hours, and that have an stable remuneration. So in months when people travel more, and spend more time in the streets are overwhelmed by all of the street sellers that don’t know certain how much money they will make one day, or how much time they will be doing that job, so that is the informal job making decrease that number of unemployment. So this does not exactly means that different companies may create more possibilities of new jobs, or that there are more vacancies, so they make the money flow, but is not something that can be taken as a big entry in the Colombian commercial market.




We also have the Bogota’s case which we will evaluate as in the same way that we have evaluated the general case of our country.

According to the information that the DANE manages the report of this rate by trimesters, so we will show two graphs and we will analyze them.





































From the information of 2010 – 2016 we can see that the data of the entire country is, actually, congruent with the information given of Bogotá, as is possible to see in the periods of January the levels of unemployment are the highest rate that we can see from Colombia, also this happens in the middle of the year, in the months of July and August. Nevertheless, there are some differences in Bogotá:


  • In 2010 in the months of April to June the levels of unemployment (12,2% - 12,7%) kept to be the higher percentage of this factor in Colombia, but in Bogotá this actually was reduced and even it was passed by the levels of 2011 to 2012, with counting only with (9,5%).


  • This also happens from July to October of 2010, in Bogota the level of unemployment actually is the lowest percentage registered for this period of time (7,9%), and in that sense, there is not congruence with the high levels of Colombia (12,7%).

  • In 2015 – 2016 Bogota’s unemployment went up in high levels, reaching 11% in January of that year, but in  our general look to Colombia even when it got 11,9% does not gets over the high percentage of 2010 in the same month, which is 14,6%.


  • Another observation takes place during the last month registered of 2016, June, in Bogota the percentage is the lowest registered the last six years with 8,5%, but in Colombia this rate grew up over 2015, with 8,9%.


To conclude, the indicators of Colombia in the unemployment issue have been reduced in a considerable time, by the tendency of the levels that Colombia have had in this year it has shown a stabilization point that is hard to be changed, with a little tendency to grow, but not to the ranks of 2010. And in comparison with Bogota, this should be carefully consider when the companies are being develop, as we are, because as we saw, this city does not depend specifically of the exact same factors as some rural areas that bring those results in the statistics, they have the same tendency in certain seasons, as vacations time, but because of the central development that some companies have had in Bogota, and because its economic dynamic its considerably different, especially in the chronological study.







FREIRE, E. 2010, Gran encuesta Integrada de Hogares. DANE. Recuperatedfrom.

GRUPO BANCO MUNDIAL. Desempleo, total (% de la población activa total) (estimación modelado

OIT. BANCO MUNDIAL. Recuparated from:

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