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26. Social Programs

Many countries around the world are using social programs to benefits their population, in Colombia those programs are using to benefits poor families, students and people who wants a direct investment to their projects.

Colombia wants to by the most educated Latin-American country in 25 years that’s the reason because the government create a social program called “Ser Pilo Paga” that consists in pay a professional career to a person who win this scholarship and the best part is that this program is totally free (Colombia Aprende, 2014). Another social of the government is called “Familias en Accion” that consist in give a monetary help those people who don’t have enough resources with a final propose to give a better live to the children under 18 years old (Prosperidad Social, N/A). Also the government have another important social program that is called “Fondo Emprender” that was created by the article 40 of the law 789 in December 22 of 2002 and consist to finance projects created by students or associations between apprentice (Fondo Emprender, 2002).

Finally, with those social programs benefits a lot our industry if we get a contract to the government to distribute our products to those families that need it.


Colombia Aprende. (2014). Colombia Aprende. Obtenido de

Fondo Emprender. (2002). Fondo Emprender. Obtenido de

Prosperidad Social. (N/A). Prosperidad Social. Obtenido de

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