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33. Population changes by city, county, state, region and country.

Every person knows that there are a lot of cultures around the world, also geographical, demographic and religious differences. Here in Colombia we have 6 different regions, each one with different cultures and customs.

Every region is a new world, for example, there are a lot of differences between a person who born in the Caribbean Coast and another person who born in the Pacific Coast. The Caribbean Coast person has dances like Mapalé and use a typical Colombian hat called “Vueltiao” (Colombia, 2016), unlike the person who was born in the Pacific Coast who has dances like “Abozao”. Nowadays, every day a new inhabitant born at every city and is necessary to know how many population we find in our nation, in the last census the Colombian population was 41.468.384, now the population is 48.828.366 people (DANE, 2016).

Finally, with this data our industry can determinate what products sell in every region of the country this create a very strong competitive advantage.


Colombia. (2016). Obtenido de

DANE. (21 de August de 2016). DANE. Obtenido de

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