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The number of people that participate in the elections of different governmental entities has a big impact in the perspective of the level of positive or negatives views of the citizens.

According to the ‘Institute of Democracy and Electoral Assistance’ the percentages of participation of Colombian citizens in the electoral elections are shown in the next graphs:

In case of the parliamentarian elections































According to this information we can determine that the number of people that has enough age to vote has never participate in 100%. Actually, the year when this approach was close was in 1958, but still 1’985.301 people did not participate in this elections. This can indicate that Colombian people haven’t felt their vote as entirely important, or they show their

On the other hand we have the Presidential elections with the next data, according to the ‘Institute of Democracy and Electoral Assistance’:

But we can have a look since 1978- 2014, according to the data base of the “Registraduría Nacional del Estado civil”








In the presidential election, something similar have happened with an inferior number of people voting for the elections. So we can get to conclude what is actually mention by Barrero on its text ‘Abstencionismo electoral en Colombia: una aproximación a sus causas,’ “el abstencionismo electoral ha sido una tendencia marcada históricamente. Al revisar los datos electorales desde 1978, se puede identificar que la abstención electoral tanto en el nivel nacional como en el subnacional fluctúa entre el 40% y el 60%. […] De igual forma, se identificó como algunas reformas introducidas por la Constitución de 1991 contribuyeron al incremento de los niveles de partición electoral, aunque dicha tendencia se empezó a ver afectada en los comicios desde 2002. (p.p 53)




BARRERO, Fredy. Abstencionismo electoral en Colombia: una aproximación a sus causas. Diciembre de 2013. [Consultado el 20 de Agosto de 2016]. Disponible en:


INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR DEMOCRACY AND ELECTORAL ASSISTANCE. Datos de participación electoral en Colombia. 2011. [Consultado el 20 de agosto de 2016]. Disponible en:


REGISTRADURÍA NACIONAL DEL ESTADO NACIONAL. Datos abiertos.  2014. [Consultado el 20 de agosto de 2016]. Disponible en:,3635-.html

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