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Considering the political development of Colombia, the implementation of these committees can be necessary to keep an order in the activities that are made, especially when it is consider that Colombia counts with so many political parties.

“Los Comités de Acción Política son la nueva figura a través de la cual se definirán, en todas las regiones, la expedición de avales a candidatos, la realización o no de consulta interna y las estrategias del Partido con miras a las elecciones del mes de octubre”. (PARTIDO LIBERAL)

This can have an indirect impact in the industry that is being discussed, because so many possibilities to get the ideas and necessities to be taken with the government are directly proposed by this political parties, which identify real problems to be solved, and as long as the parties are created en each municipalities and departments, so many options can be suggested.


PARTIDO LIBERLA. Con los Comités de Acción Política, inicia proceso de reorganización del Partido Liberal. 05 de febrero de 2015. [Consultado el 20 de agosto de 2016]. Disponible en: 

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