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The number of patents that are made in one state are prove of the productivity of it in certain areas, and also shows the opportunities of creation and resources in one sector of the economy, or commercial activities.

So in the next graphs we will show the categories of the patents, one that refers to ‘New Creations’, which is explained by the “Superintendencia de Industria y comercio” as: “el número de solicitudes presentadas y concedidas en Colombia por residentes y no residentes  y las solicitudes por vías de presentación en: Patente de Invención, Patente Modelo de Utilidad, Diseño industrial, Esquemas de trazado de circuitos integrados” (SIC. 2016);  and the other categories that includes the ‘Distinctive signs’, this means “solicitudes presentadas y concedidas en Colombia por residentes y no residentes en: Marcas, Lemas comerciales, Nombres comerciales, Enseñas comerciales, Denominaciones de origen” (SIC. 2016).

The next graph show the patents of new creations, considering the total that were presented, and the ones that were accepted.



























We can see that the total presented have been more than the ones that were accepted in this categories.

And we can also see the graphs that refer to the ‘Distinctive signs’. This first graphs refer to the number of total requests.








And the next includes the data of total requests







In this last category that includes specifically the creation of branches and other commercial issues are not that high. Actually the number of difference is really little.

We can also include the analysis that the magazine Dinero has done about this concepts of patents. “Con 2.158 solicitudes de patentes, el país se sitúo por detrás de Singapur (10,312), Nueva Zelanda (7,728), Ucrania (4,813), Polonia (4,096), Holanda (2,582), entre otras naciones con menor número de habitantes.

A nivel latinoamericano tampoco se destacó, ya que estuvo por debajo de países como Argentina (42,98 millones de habitantes/4,682 solicitudes) o Chile (17.76 millones de habitantes/3.105 solicitudes)”. (DINERO, 2015)

This data is also corroborated by the patents that and registered by the ‘World Intellectual property organization’.







We can get to conclude that in Colombia the number of people that is interested in the creation of industrial development feel more empower, even if is for the resources, or the academical options, over the circumstances that involved the business creation as a branch. This can mean that the resources and external conditions are not so attractive to create this new ways of production.





SUPERINTENDENCIA DE INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO. Solicitudes presentadas y concedidas de propiedad industrial. 2016. [Consultado el 20 de agosto de 2016]. Disponible en:


DINERO. Los extranjeros son los que más solicitudes de patentes presentan en Colombia. 2015. [Consultado el 20 de agosto de 2016]. Disponible en:


WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION. 2016. [Consultado el 20 de Agosto de 2016]. Disponible en:

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