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In the development of all the companies and establishment of different businesses in one place can depend in the people that may be available to work;  that level of people is raised when the legal conditions are favorable to them, so the proposals of job may be interesting and positive not only for the employers but also for the employees.

Taking this into account in Colombia this legislation is supported by the next laws: according to the study of the OECD, in the evaluation that is making to Colombia, so that it can be part of this organization one of the important factors to be qualified is the equal treatment of regular workers, so this organization confirms that this point has been already accomplished in the Article 79 of law 50 of 1990.

The next graph shows the level of freedom of labor in the country.





This graph can show us that the regulations and development of the law with some changes has reaffirmed through the time that possibility of the participation of people in different labors.

 “La Carta Política prevé que "Se garantiza el derecho de negociación colectiva para regular las relaciones laborales, con las excepciones que señale la ley. Es deber del Estado promover la concertación y los demás medios para la solución pacífica de los conflictos colectivos de trabajo".” (MINISTERIO DEL TRABAJO)

Through the years the Colombian government has created more legal options that recognizes the workers as of more participation and with more levels of protection of the human rights, and different financial possibilities coming from each company. This means that in the industry that is being discussed have to be under the laws of Colombian government, knowing that through the chronological situations people feel more identified to work, but also feel more empower to discuss for any particular demotivating event.



MINISTERIO DEL TRABAJO. [Consultado el 21 de agosto de 2016] Disponible en:


HERITAGE. 2016 Index of economic Freedom. 2016. [Consultado el 21 de agosto de 2016]. Disponible en:


OECD. [Consultado el 21 de agosto de 2016]. Disponible en:

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