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Number of marriages

in the following information we look for number of marriages, we identify key factor of that information to analyse it impact in our industry.

If the people live marriage or not dont going to change the fact that they need to eat, so our industry doing going to suffer a lot of impact for that reason.

In Colombia, the number of marriages has been going down since 30 or 35 years, basicaly for the fear to be compromised with someone for  long term of time into a legal or regius context.

“el 19% de las parejas en edad adulta del país han contraído matrimonio en los últimos 2 años, la cifra se dispara cuando se habla de irse a convivir, sin ningún vínculo contractual, elección que tiene 39 por ciento de incidencia.” Portafolio


Colombia is the south america´s country with the lowest percentage of marriaged couple. 

However, if the people want to formalize their relation or not, isnt the important for us, we look for how could it affect our industry or the economy in general terms.

"Romero sostiene que esta decisión, además de modificar la conformación de las familias en el país, también tiene un impacto negativo sobre la economía nacional, ya que “hay estudios que muestran cómo una familia establecida es un agente que consume de manera estable y le aporta a la economía. Son personas que compran seguros, buscan incrementar su capacidad adquisitiva como grupo y, por ende, aportan al crecimiento de un país”.


However, the marriage of same sex couple has been rising "En el primer trimestre de 2015 se incrementaron las uniones maritales de hecho entre parejas del mismo sexo en un 39,5 por ciento, con relación al mismo periodo del 2014."

Based on this study the married couples are better for the economy, and that impact our industry too.

The people are rejected the idea of the marriage as a perfect life or as a final goal, they live in a free relationship without binding, but they still living with their couple, so, even the stufy talk about the compromises couple with family going to worried more for improving their incomes, the people who lives together do it too.

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