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Location of Retailing, Manufacturing and services Business

In Colombia there are many places where you can buy retail products, this is way to generate many benefits selling thing one-by-one, but this kind of business have any problem? .

In conclusion, many of those little business benefits a lot our industry selling our products and generates more jobs for the Colombian population, the retail of the fruit pulp generates benefits for our population and the nation.

Well according Dinero magazine there are some factor that generates the collapse of retail companies, those are:

  • The Extensive Bureaucracy

  • Business Pride

  • Family-Company Relationship

  • Less Strategic Partnerships

Despite this companies are very likely to break, those PYMES represent the 38% of the national GDP, (Revista Dinero, 2015). Now those little business are the motor of the world economy also generates many of the jobs of a nation, here in Colombia thos PYMES generate 70% of the jobs (Portafolio, 2014).

Portafolio. (16 de December de 2014). Portafolio. Obtenido de

Revista Dinero. (2 de September de 2015). Dinero. Obtenido de

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