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As it is important to consider the availability of people that can work, and that will help the economy of the country by developing its job with high levels of productivity, we will analyze this factor in Colombia and its impact in the Colombian market, on its different offers.


Colombia is consider one of the countries with the lowest rates of productivity (THE CONEFERENCE BOARD); this is an issue that has to be studied carefully considering that one of the principal resources that has a company is the people that is part of it and that, actually, is a crucial factor in the moment of the production of one product, and in the moment that a service has to be delivered. Because of that, so many possible foreign investors may feel that even when they pay low salaries, this cannot be compensated by the level of low productivity.

In the next graph we will see the level of productivity compared with the creation of Capital of the country, from the year 2000 – 2014.


It is important to mention that the entity that is participating in the development of the factor of productiviry in Colombia is the “Consejo Privado de Productividad” and it has declared the next words: “[…] luego de más de cinco años en los cuales el CPC estuvo insistiendo en la necesidad de que el país organizara sus esfuerzos en materia de agenda vertical (Consejo Privado de Competitividad, 2014), finalmente el Gobierno aceptó construir una Política de Desarrollo Productivo (PDP) […] Esta política –entendida como un subconjunto de una agenda más comprensiva de competitividad– debe apuntar a incrementar el nivel de sofisticación y diversificación del aparato productivo como fórmula para incrementar la productividad de la economía”.


So the graph that we are analyzing shows us that the levels of productivity are not so high during the last years, and that it continues to be this way. The basis of the




THE CONFERENCE BOARD. (2016) ‘Output, Labor and Labor Productivity’. Recuperated from:
CONSEJO PRIVADO DE PRODUVTIVIDAD. (2016) ‘Informe Nacional de Competitividad 2015 -2016’ Recuperated from:


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