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One of the International ways to have a measure of the economies around the globe, is by getting one of the denominations of the money as is the Dollar to compare the levels of its economy and the actions that it develops, such as the per Capita income. So what we will analyze on this value is the possible valorization that our economy has by comparing it with the U.S companies.

So it´s value is expressed in the next statistics. First we will see an overview from its evolution through the years, and then we will see the last few months to identify a pattern.













































In this way we can see the trend and the evolution of the value of the dollar, being the highest value in 2003, and getting to the minimum value in 2012 with $1798,23 (pesos), which is one year that is included in one period of an stabilization moment in the value of the year, from 2009 and 2013. Nevertheless it is important to take a closer look to the last months of the year to see a possible tendency and its effects in the recent economy, so it can help to take some decisions in the industry.


































In the last months of this years the value of the dollar have shown a decreasing rate, from February to July, starting with a value of $ 3.357,50 to the last value of $ 2.963,99, even if it is not a big deference there is a tendency to reduce its price. But considering that the value of the dollar is varying every day we will see the last days and its tendency, from the 1st of August, to 16th of August.










































This graphic shows a similar tendency that was presented in the last graph of the tendency in the months, varying in a tendency from the highest value August the 4th with $3110,43 and a diminution of the value from that day until August the 16th.

We should also mention some other places were the value of the dollar varies, because in different markets the

To conclude, what does it means for us the high prices of the dollar? We have to consider that making an analysis about the dollar has a big impact in the value of every market in our Colombian context. This means that it determines the prices of the market; every accountability process of all companies are given by the tariff of the dollar. But as long as this number changes every day, it is important to keep an actual data and information of it, because even when the last years tendency can show us the prediction of the tendency of the dollar in one year, it still is important to evaluate it in the recent days,


BACO DE LA REPUBLICA. (2015) Tasa de cambio del peso colombiano (TRM).Recuperated from:

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