According to UVIC, there are six different kinds of demands (the prices of related goods, expected future prices, income, expected future income and credit, population and preferences) (UVIC, N/D).
With these six different kinds of demands the companies can define the future of their sells and the firm in general. The different prices of goods or services are determined by the market and it is useful to measure and register the prices of many of goods and services that can be traded, the organizations that regulates the prices are the Central Bank of Colombia, the Stock Exchange of Colombia (with financial tools) and sometimes the Mercantile Exchange of Colombia (with commodities) (Portafolio, 2009).
In Brief, for our company the different kinds of demands might benefit us and our stakeholders, but the most important kinds of demand for our company are expected future prices and expected future income and credit, why? Well, first, the future prices that are expected are imposed by the Consumer Price Index, that determine the price of goods and services that are representatives for the Colombian homes (DANE, 2016) and second, the credit rate and the interest rate are important to define how many we must pay for our financial obligations, those rates are defined by the inflation rate and the economic politics of the Central Bank of Colombia.
DANE. (July de 2016). Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica. Obtenido de http://www.dane.gov.co/index.php/indices-de-precios-y-costos/indice-de-precios-al-consumidor-ipc
Portafolio. (28 de July de 2009). Economia. Obtenido de
UVIC. (N/D). Demand and Supply. Obtenido de http://web.uvic.ca/~aahoque/VIU/Chapter%203.pdf