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In the world every person is a potential consumer, don’t matter what kind of system that the nation uses, either socialist or democratic, every population consumes domestic or imported products, but what are the patterns of consumption that they have, especially the Colombian population? well, nowadays the expensive costs of products are normal for population but obviously the consumption trends change, for example, when “El Niño” comes, many of the products costs increase by the drought or a stoppage affects the food costs (Dinero, 2009).

The last events trigger many trends of consumption, the last year the Consumer Price Index indicates that the consumption increase 3,1% (Portafolio, 2016), and the last month, July, the rate is 5,65%, the speculators say that this rate will increase but just a bit, this information is provided by the Central Bank and the National Administrative Department of Statistics. The Statistics Department has published a press note saying that many products like kiwi, imported apple and avocado decrease its prices and it affect the consumption patterns of the population (DANE, 2016).

Finally, this latest news, statics and press notes inform use how we can use this in our favor, first, when the prices are low we can purchase a lot of raw material to produce our products and second when the prices are low many of the people might buy our product and obviously that benefit us and our company.



DANE. (12 de August de 2016). Depratamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica. Obtenido de


Dinero. (1 de April de 2009). Revista Dinero. Obtenido de


Portafolio. (18 de March de 2016). Portafolio. Obtenido de

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