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It is understood by coalition 'Union transient individuals, political groups or countries with an interest.' '(Asale, 2016). These bonds can the relationship with the least developed countries because they have similar goals as the economic, technological, political and social development of these countries and improve the quality of life of residents.

He joins the WTO currently the most '' weak '' and less developed countries. This organization allows the interaction between these countries and trade. (, 2016). For our company it is a great opportunity because Colombia can have a partnership with those countries and helps us interact with others in the same situation and to generate more fair trade.

Less developed countries have had in the last years an active participation and support each other on issues such as climate change, poverty and trade. (Change, 2016) good partnerships with countries such helps us to have quality products and fruits in order to improve our brand and give more benefits.

To summarize, the WTO provides great networking opportunities for the least developed countries with the rest of the world, and besides that helps improve economic, political and social quality of these.



Balestrini C, C. (1991). Economía y política petrolera. Caracas: Academia Nacional de Ciencias Económicas.

Change, U. (2016). Agrupaciones de las Partes. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Aug. 2016].

ASALE, R. (2016). coalición. [online] Diccionario de la lengua española. Available at: [Accessed 14 Aug. 2016].

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