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25. Energy Conservations

Our country is one of the richest country in natural resources and a great exporter of energy raw material, like natural gas, oil, carbon and much more. Now, how Colombia take care its own energy? And conserve it?

In this year, with “El Niño”, the country was forced to conserve the energy because the rains don’t come when Colombia needs. Then all of the homes of the nation are obliged to save energy (Dinero, 2016), that´s a forced form how Colombian people save energy. According experts, the South American region will have problems with the energy future because the demand will be 80% more in 2040 (Dinero, 2016).

In conclusion, the energy conservation is required to maintain many of our electric systems including many of the irrigation systems that generates the raw material of our industry. Colombia requires a develop in renewable energy to save $2,500 USD millions (Dinero, 2016).



Dinero. (9 de March de 2016). Dinero. Obtenido de

Dinero. (12 de February de 2016). Dinero. Obtenido de

Dinero. (25 de March de 2016). Dinero. Obtenido de

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