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24. Attitudes towards investment.

Colombians do not have good attitudes investment. We do not have enough bases near as making good investments or disposition to do so. Education regarding economics and investment is very basic or non-existent in Colombia. Because of that, we have no investment habits and do not know how to handle such problems.

‘’Some say it's because cultural issues or perhaps because of lack of financial education, the fact is that many Colombians still have the habit or habit of saving and investing part of their monthly income to provide for times of unemployment, to raise capital or simply to better plan for future retirement.’’ (Tiempo, 2016)

It is indicating that we need more financial education. According to Semana magazine (2016) Colombians have very bad financial education because in 2012 Colombia was the only Latin American country that presented the PISA tests and remained in last place, showing alarming figures in the analysis and understanding of financial problems Colombian youth. 
To conclude, Colombian population should have more education about investments because this help to our company to have future shareholders that looking for a good opportunity put money in our business. (2016). Colombia, muy mal en Educación Financiera. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016].
Tiempo, C. (2016). ¿En qué ahorran e invierten los colombianos? | Ahorro | [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016].

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