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30. Attitudes Toward Careers

The Colombian universities have a grate quantity of careers that every student of the nation wants to study, we can found economic careers, medicine, art careers, engineers and more. But what careers are the favorites for the Colombian future professionals? Well, this question is always the question that the actual youth make before enter the high education.

The latest report created by the Education ministry said that the careers with more demand are Business Management, Economy, Mines Engineer, Electric Engineer and Medicine, the reason is that those careers are the most efficient for a society that is developing (Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2016). Since 2011 to 2016 those careers with high demand don´t change, that means that our country accepts, the majority of times, the traditional careers (MinEducacion, 2011), with this surveys we can determinate that the Colombian students search a career that guaranteeing a stable job with a great remuneration.

In brief, the behavior of the Colombian students toward the careers are really traditional and this affect positively our industry because it could be a great opportunity to gather young professionals who have new ideas and the industry might grow more and more.


MinEducacion. (11 de July de 2011). Centro Virtual de Noticias de la Educacion. Obtenido de

Universidad Externado de Colombia. (2016). MinEducacion. Obtenido de

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