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Shift To A Service Economy In Colombia

The colombian economy has been focused for years basically in product, in the next research we indentify trends to determinated what is the real state of our economy and how could influence our industry to take advantage of this changes.


When you speak about Colombian economy in history isn’t needed to go back a lot of time basically because in the last 70 years has been the same economy. first or second level product (The losers) with low profitability. products that other contries could produce it better, faster and cheaper however, in the last 20 years had been changing a little bit, one of the most important facts is the economical opening that make us a little more global and makes the economy follow some global trends like the shift to a service economy.


There are some data about the last 4 years growing of the most important sectors

Source: World Bank, Data Base

Colombia, as other countries had been evolving in the service sector (Based on data last years) obviously slower than other countries but the change is starting.

Colombia had been improving somes aspect that helps the service sector in the last years, this economical envolving going to influence hardly in our industry in the aspect of value added, even if it is a simple product, it has to carry an adittional value to be succes. we planned use that new requieremnt as an advantage, creating a product with high added value and a strong competitive advantage

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